IES Patkar Guruji Vidyalaya

Name of the School IES Patkar Guruji Vidyalaya
School Address 180, Saraswati Nilayam Hindu Colony, Dadar, (East), Mumbai - 400 014.
First School Recognition SAS/9/7510 dt. 07.03.1986
School UDISE Number 27221000206
Phone Number 022 2419 9661 / 93245 02182
Whether Aided / Unaided Aided
Name of the School HM / Incharge Smt. Sagita M. Gutte - Head
School Timing 8.50 AM TO 2.30 PM
School Office Hours 8.30. AM TO 4.30 PM

Contact Info

Indian Education Society
Raja Shivaji Vidyasankul,
Hindu Colony, Dadar (East),
Mumbai - 400 014, Maharashtra, India.

022 - 2419 9595


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