In CPV. KG, the Republic Day celebration was conducted on 25.01.2025. Project on Republic day was displayed and teachers gave informative talk about the same. Children were told to come in soldier attire. Adventure games were arranged in the corridor for the little soldiers of kindergarten and was named as Tiny Indian Soldiers. It displayed games like climbing the ladder, balancing the beam, hurdles, and passing through the tunnel and zig zag walking. Playing on these games, children enjoyed the most.
The next day, on 26th January 2025, a floater of Indian monuments and dumbbells was presented by our children.
“Grandparents hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever”.
Grandparents are the family’s strongest foundation. Through their special love and care, grandparents keep a family close to heart.
To honour them, CPV KG and Balodyan celebrated Grandparents Day on Thursday 23rd January 2025. Our Principal madam Mrs Sumedha Nawathe Madam arranged a Ballads written on the life of “Veer Savarkar” ‘EK AGNIKUNDA‘. TR Smt. Girija Pendse spoke about the role of Grandparents in all our lives.
The Grandparents appreciated and shared their views, the efforts of CPV. KG, staffs to make a connection between the generations through these events. Indeed the 2025 Grandparents Day was a memorable moment for our Grandparents and our KG. Section.
An Annual Sport was conducted on 22.01.2025, for Mini. KG, Jr. KG classes and Motha Shishu and on 23.01.2025, for Sr. KG. classes and Balwarg. Participation in sports day activities like running exercises assist children to develop their general physical coordination, agility, gross motor abilities and sportsmanship.
On 22nd January 2025 the events were running and stringing the beads and 23rd January 2024 the events were running and balancing the book. All children enthusiastically participated in the sports and medals were given to the prize winners.
On 22nd and 23rd January 2025, Sports Day of Parents, KG Teaching staff and non-teaching staff were conducted. All the parents, staff members were excited and enjoyed the sports events.
Story telling competition was organized for all classes. Children were told to narrate the stories based on animals but out of syllabus. Best story tellers from each class were declared.
One of the earliest things that children learn is shapes. Learning about shapes is that it helps them develop early literacy and math skills. Shape week was conducted from 13.01.2025 to 16.01.2025. Each day the basic shapes were taught to Mini. KG. and Jr. KG, classes. For Sr. KG, basic as well as new 3 shapes were introduced - Hexagon, Pentagon and Oval.
Children were told to bring particular shape related objects on each day which was explained and displayed. Children also enjoyed doing activities related to the shape day.
With the beginning of another New Year, it’s time to indulge in the goodness of festivals. The festival of Makar Sankranti is observed annually on January 14th or 15th and is celebrated as the commencement of the harvest season. Also known as Kite Festival or Khichdi. Project on Makar Sankranti was displayed and teacher briefed about the festival by showing pictures and ppt. To celebrate the spirit of harvest festival, children came in traditional attire, and carried one kite each of different designs and colors. Children enjoyed the kite flying activity on the school ground. Til gul and til laddu was distributed to all the children by saying ‘tilgul ghya – goad goad bola”.