In our country most of the population uses plastic material, such as carry bags, bottles etc. However, excessive use of plastic leads to a large amount of plastic waste. Plastic waste takes a long time to degrade and contributes to air, water and soil pollution. Taking this issue on priority basis our Incharge Ms. Medha Kadlag arranged an awareness programme for our NESKG parents on 31st January, 2020.
The resource person for the day was Mrs Asmita Gokhale (B.Sc Horticulture), Landscape developer and Consultant Founder of Athak Foundation, who worked for plastic free environment and has a vision of zero garbage City. The usage of plastic is not as much of a problem as its management.
Ms. Gokhale and her team have been working towards the goal of ZERO PLASTIC MUMBAI. Let's join hands with her for this noble cause. ''It is the worst of times but it is the best of times. We still have a chance to be a part of the solution and not part of pollution.
Parents appreciated this endeavour wholeheartedly, and made a promise to minimise the use of plastic and make the zero plastic mission possible.
Educational field trips give students the opportunity to have first-hand experiences and to explore world. It helps students to interact with what they are learning. Keeping this in mind, Our NESKG had organized a Field Trip on 17th January 2020 at “NATURE’S BASKET” were they learnt about exotic fruits, vegetables, spices, confectionaries, breads and cold storage. The children saw a wide variety of food and goods which help them follow healthy habits. They understood the process of buying and selling along with healthy benefits of consuming things. It was an enriching experience to know about the billing counter and cash transactions. This educational field trip left a memorable experience for the children and teachers as well.
To impart knowledge through entertainment and to make learning enjoyable and effective through different activities, NEKG conducted an Assembly for the Students of Sr. KG. The day 27 December 2019 started with gathering all the students in the stilt hall. The assembly started with prayer, national anthem and the pledge.
There after, a yoga session was conducted and the children performed the aasanas like padmaasan, hasta-paadasan and chanting omkar with great enthusiasm.
Children from Sr.KG presented a skit about Christmas.
Teachers gave informative talk about the story of Jesus Christ.
Children were amazed to see the little Santa Claus moving around gracefully among them.
They enjoyed singing ...
Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way,
Santa Claus is coming along,
riding on a sleigh, hey...!
It is said that "Cheerfulness is the beauty of face" and, this cheerfulness was spread around in our NEKG, everyone was happy and beaming with smiles, because everyone was ready to welcome Santa with great zest and zeal. Santa arrived with his jingle bells and distributed sweets to the children.
Mini and Junior KG children welcomed Santa wearing the Christmas caps, made by them as a Christmas activity. Sr. KG children decorated the beautiful Christmas tree. It was great fun to see that everyone was in a party mood. Singing songs and dancing with great joy made the entire KG happy and lively.
Christmas project was displayed and the information was given regarding the project, by teachers. Parents too enjoyed project by taking pictures.
Health is wealth - Keeping this in mind, health and nutrition week was celebrated in the month of December. The importance of healthy eating and ways to nurture the body with nutrient rich food was explained by teachers with help of PPT, Dramatization and Stories. The work experience of making vegetable salad and fruit salad brought joy and happiness on the faces of our little chefs. They enjoyed eating tasty and delicious dishes brought in their tiffins as per the timetable provided. Children relished fruits, leafy vegetables, sprouts and salads. After all it is said that "Healthy eating is a sign of self-respect.”
There are people in our society who render their services, and make our lives smooth and easy. They are experts in their skills who work devotedly without any expectation. Without their help we are unable to function in our day to day life.
They are the COMMUNITY HELPERS, the backbone of our society. We take their help without being grateful to them. We should appreciate their efforts and also teach our kids to appreciate and thank them. Our kids are unaware of their contribution in our day to day life. Keeping this in mind 28th November being the World Thanks Giving Day, we had organized Thanksgiving day for NEKG.
Community helpers like Dentist, Nurse, Fireman, Policeman, Cobbler, Gardener, Tailor, Security Guard, Housekeeping Staff were invited and felicitated. Each person had brought their kit and gave informative talk about their work and guidelines on children’s Safety.
Children had the pleasure to meet Community helpers and thank them. The true meaning of Thanksgiving was conveyed very effectively.
Children are the life of any preschool and Children’s day is a special event. We at NEKG celebrated this special day i.e. Children’s Day on 14th of November, 2019. The KG section was brightly decorated with balloons and festoons. A common birthday party was organized for the children. Information was given to children about Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Children came in colourful dresses, gifts and snacks were distributed to children. Each child was given birthday card and paper crown. The main highlight of the programme was the “Puppet show”. Mini, Junior and Senior KG teachers presented a puppet show for tiny tots. Through this puppet show a message was conveyed “SAY NO TO PLASTIC” and “USE CLOTH BAGS”. The atmosphere was colourful and lively.
Raising children is one of the most rewarding and difficult things that you are likely to do in your life. And what makes it even harder is that they do not come with instructions! The opportunity for social interactions with parents is important for the growth of all children. Considering these facts our Headmistress Smt. Bharati Godse organized an Awareness Programme on “Parent – child interaction which was held on 26th July 2019. Resource person was Dr. Naresh Tambe Psychologist and Psycho Therapist. The programme commenced with welcome note. This was followed with a Doctor’s Speech of introduction of himself and what is the role of psychologist. He made them aware that we need psychologist in various things such as behavior, studying, at the adolescent age, changes in their behavior, for carrier guidance, to understand child’s caliber. So for all this things we need not be insane but we need proper guidance. Then he gave examples of love marriage how at the beginning everything is good but when we start staying together we come to know each other’s faults. Then he gave one more example that when people retire from their jobs but act as if they are on the high post and everything should be still in their control because now they are jobless and then they go in depression. So for all this things we need to seek Psychologist to solve such problems.
The next category he highlighted core problems with children in various stages like Peudopsycholgy where some school are being trapped for fake assessment of their kids’ future. Then with the help of story he came to main topic that parent – child interaction namely
• Color discrimination
• Writing and learning disability
• Slow learner
• Under achiever
• Socially disadvantage
• More intelligent While introducing these problems he narrated a story of famous scientist Thomas Alva Edison where he was having physical disability. From this story he made aware that we should encourage our kids but not to impose their disability on them.
• Never compare your child with other kids.
• Never underestimate girls In our social life we think girls are weaker than boys. So to make aware he narrated a story of Savitribai. With this story he made aware that girls not less than boys, they have more strength than boys. So we should encourage girls to be more educated.
• Never misguide our kids for wrong cause.
• Teach our child to be time bound and utilize it in proper way, so that he/she will be successful in their life.
• Children learn through their parent’s behavior.
• Respect opposite gender.
• He also made aware that girls are more open to change whereas boys are dependent according to their culture and family environment.
After Doctor’s valuable speech there was interactive session with the parents and many of their queries were solved. This awareness was very effective and enlighten the parent’s false believes.
Many school organized orientation programmes for parents and childrens who are about to join the school. Kindergarten parents orientation is important because it gives you information about your child classroom experience and involves in their education. Parents also get to know the teachers in the different classes. This orientation programme was held on 28th June, 2019. The programme begin with welcome address,introduction & orientation was done by our Headmistress Ms. Bharati Godse with the help of PPT. Teachers brief the parents with the expectation from the students & parents in different areas e.g. competition , discipline etc and made the parents aware about the working of our school.
Mother nature provides nurture for all living beings. It is our duty to nurture in young minds respect and regard for mother nature. Keeping this in mind we at NEKG organized Nisarg Puja. This special week commenced on 27th June, 2019 and were celebrated last 27th June ,2019. Each day was planned with a separate activity. First activity was sorting and counting followed by soaking seeds, planting and growing seeds, observation of growing plants and ended with community lunch. Here not only multiple intelligence but holistic approach were taken care of but also an effort was made to develop socially accepted behavior. The feeling of oneness was generated as children shared lunch together. The tiny tots thanked mother nature by offering prayers of gratitude. Teachers made conscious effort to instill in young minds, the needs to plant and protect trees.
Preschool can be a stressful time for many parents, who may be sending their children into the care of a teacher for the first time. An Open day was organized on Monday 24th June, 2019.
Each point was discussed elaborately with the parents with PPT. The purpose of Open day is to breach the gap between the school and parents. It also provides the school with the chance to show the teaching method and students work in different learning areas.
International Yoga day is celebrated every year on 21st June since its inception in 2015. “ Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s Tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body”. The International Yoga day is a great opportunity to imbibe our children the value of discipline. Yoga is a mental, physical and spiritual life. Children got the chance to know how Yoga is embodies peace of mind and body. Our 2 teachers Ms. Bharati Dhumal and Ms. Sandhya Khadye conducted yoga session for Mini and Junior Kg children and in the afternoon the session for Senior Kg was conducted by our Resource person Ms. Deepa Mayekar with her faculties Ms. Reshma Mane and Ms. Savita Tikan. Kids practiced different Yoga postures like butterfly, pranayama, suryanamaskar, meditation and chanting of “OM”.
Its School time again ! Feeling excited and may be a little sad that the summer is over but June came with a new academic year for all teachers and our kiddos because they come to school equipped with new thoughts and ideas. This is possible because each one had a vacation. A time to relax and rejuvenate. The teachers got set to welcome the pupils by decorating the premises and classrooms on 17th June, 2019. Pupils were welcomed with beautiful tiaras with the view for creating love and respect for the school which is the temple of learning.
A flurry of activities begin with a session of “Brain Teaser” for teachers on 14th of June by our Headmistress Smt. Bharati Godse. Where each one of us at NEKG had a chance to interact “Brain Teaser” session and think over the riddles and answer for the same. Each one lovingly participated and were excited. Along with them the listener were equally enjoyed every movements. This was indeed of joyful experience for everyone before we return to our routine. We could remember our responsibilities and ridden with duties towards our family, community and society.
Indeed our vacation is a time to relax, rejuvenate and return with exciting ideas and plans.
Kindergarten - Nurturing buds today for tomorrow's colourful bouquet.
Primary - An environment that nourishes the health,safety and well being of one and all.
Secondary - To become an exemplary Institution which will build on its existing base & strive to meet the changing educational needs of the society at all levels in continuous search of excellence with a dedicated team of teachers, staff and management.
Kindergarten - We try to create eagerness in children by providing them opportunities to explore, to enquire, to gather experience which ultimately leads to education.
Primary - To provide quality education and enhance each and every child's potential.
Secondary - To develop and nurture all-round abilities in students who can leave their mark in different fields of the socio-economic system globally.