31.07.2018 Puppet Show
Puppets are wonderful tools to introduce many concepts in the preschool .Children find it amusing and interesting too. A puppet show on ‘Fruits’ and ‘Four friends of a plant’ were organized for the Junior and Senior KG children during the school hours. It was a wonderful learning experience for the tiny tots who enjoyed the show.
27.07.2018 Guru Pournima
Guru Pournima is the day to offer salutations to the gurus for they are the ones who nurture students to prepare them for future life. So, as every year, in keeping with the tradition of revering gurus for their invaluable contribution the tiny tots celebrated this auspicious day with great reverence and devotion. An assembly was conducted by teachers where short films based on the stories of Eklavya and Aruni were shown to the children. The teachers also explained the significance of this day and respect for all teachers. Children also recited the shloka “Guru Brahma guru Vishnu” dedicating to the teachers. The students gifted their teachers a flower to convey their gratitude for giving them the precious gift of education.
23.07.2018 Ashadhi Ekadashi
Ashadhi Ekadashi was celebrated with great enthusiasm the tiny tots came dressed in traditional attire as Lord Vithoba, Rukmini, warkaris and carried the palkhi in a dindi procession all over the school premises chanting vithal vithal jai hari vithal. Bhajans and abhangas of sant Tukaram and sant Dnyaneshwar were recited. The respective class teachers explained to the students the significance of Ashadhi Ekadashi. The students also spoke a few sentences on this auspicious festival. Prasad was distributed to all after the dindi procession.
20.07.2018 Inter House GK Quiz – Secondary
Venue: 601, IES School
“Talent perceives differences; genius, unity.”
- William Butler YeatsInter-house quiz competition was held on 20th July 2018 organised and conducted.
Four students from each house; one student each from class 6 to class 9 were selected on the basis of a preliminary round conducted by the house teachers.Rishi Dixit, Mekhala Potnis Yajat Rangnekar and Aneesh Joshi from the team Aryabhatta.
Shlok Darekar, Lisa Chitnis, Shauri And Anshuman Phadnis from the team Maitreyee.
Shreya Manjrekar, Advika Pekam, Bhargavi Pradhan from the team Varahmihir.
Rishabh Nabar, Kasak, Aditi Mungre and Mrugank Kulkarni from the team Gargee.The competition comprised of 4 Rounds
Testing Round
Rapid Fire Round
Buzzer Round
Audio Visual Round
The Team Gargee won the competition followed by the Team Aryabhatta. -
18.07.2018 Cleanliness Drive
It is important that children understand the necessity of cleanliness from a young age itself. To promote the values of cleanliness, discipline and respect for the environment a cleanliness drive was conducted to teach the students the importance of cleanliness. Children were explained through audio visuals how to maintain personal hygiene, keep their surroundings and school clean. The tiny tots also performed simple chores like cleaning the floor, tables, chairs, cupboards, board and arranging their belongings and toys properly. It also made them aware of the dignity of labour.
17.07.2018 Inter House GK Quiz
Venue: 601, IES School
An Inter house GK Quiz competition was conducted on 17th July for Grades 3, 4 and 5.
Name of Participants:Grade Green Team Blue Team Red Team Yellow Team 3D, 3M Nihar Deshmukh Arya Ganu Maiteryee Jha Swanand Marathe 4D, 4M Moksh Chopra Nishka Satput Sangram Raorane Dhruv Rangnekar 5D, 5M Nihaarika Roshanraj Amod Agnihotri Sarthak Thakur Shlok Mehendale Quiz had 4 Rounds as follows:
Round 1 – Multiple Choice Questions
Round 2 – Guess the Picture
Round 3 – Audio Visual (Buzzer Round)
Round 4 – Rapid Fire
Results :
Winner – Green Team
1st Runner up – Blue Team and Yellow Team
2nd Runner up – Red Team -
09.07.2018 Befriend Plants Week
Plants are our best friends. They are important and sustain us in life. Keeping this in mind ‘Befriend Plants Week’ was celebrated. During the week children enjoyed rhymes, songs, stories, audio visuals and creativity on plants.
On 11.07.2018 a planting project was conducted for Jr. and Sr. KG where in children brought seeds, soil and empty containers for the planting activity. Thus the children learnt about germination of a seed, four friends of a plant, its various parts, the importance of plants and trees. They were encouraged to grow more plants and take care of them.
To promote healthy eating habits children were given sprouts usal on 12.07.2018. Children soaked the pulses in the water the previous day and relished the tasty and nutritious dish cooked the next day.
07.07.2018 Report on Interactive Session for Parents
An Interactive session for Pre primary parents to discuss various child related issues was held in the school. It was conducted by Resource person Ms Savita Ram, a highly qualified teacher and Ex Principal from Sadhu Vaswani School.
Ms Savita Ram shared her own life experiences that are practical life situations and guided parents to help them enjoy good parenting. She emphasized that children should be exposed to all types of emotions – sadness, joy, happiness, boredom, roughness which would help bring out their inner creative talents and also make them strong individuals to face dversities in their future life. She also stressed that quality time spent with their children was most important.
The session indeed was very interactive as parents shared their thoughts, experiences and discussed various behavioural, learning, eating and health issues regarding their children which was tactfully and honestly replied by the speaker.
06.07.2018 Environment [Green City Smart City]: Secondary Assembly
Class – IX
Venue – Stilt AreaInitiated with Thought for the Day on the Topic.
Skit with song on Green City Smart City.
Passage on the topic. News – National, International, Sports, Weather Forecast.
Distribution of certificates [ATHENA] -
05.07.2018 Road Safety Demonstration
It’s never too early to educate children about road safety. With a vision to help children travel safely on roads, a demonstration on ‘Road Safety awareness’ by ‘Safe Kids Foundation’ was held in school for the pre primary children.
With the help of a huge flex, flash cards of different vehicles, model of traffic signal, simple games, songs and audio visuals children were explained how they should take care while walking on the road by using sidewalks, crossing at the zebra crossing and understanding traffic rules and signs.
It was a wonderful experience as all the children were involved and were made to practically demonstrate how they would follow the traffic signal rules on the road.
03.07.2018 Road Safety Workshop by Safe Kids Foundation
Date – 3rd July, 5th July and 6th July 2018
Venue – Room 501, 5th Floor IES SchoolSafe Kids Foundation conducted multifaceted pedestrian safety program in our school on 3rd, 5th and 6th of July 2018. An activity based awareness program about road safety, sensitizing children for safety precaution taken while commuting.
The program aimed to create safer and more walkable communities with emphasis on “Safe Walking” & “Safe Crossing” by conducting interactive classroom education session and awareness events. The objective of the program was to reduce unintentional injuries among children caused due to road traffic crashes, by increasing awareness on road and pedestrian safety, gathering data through studies and implementing evidence based interventions by engaging and mobilizing various stakeholders to come together to bring about changes in attitudes, behaviors and environment through awareness, training and advocacy to make schools zones and communities safer for child pedestrians.
The workshop briefed children of different age group from Sr. Kg. to class 8. The workshop was designed in a very attractive way by displaying posters, banners, flash cards and display of a road map on the floor. It went through like a mock session.
The children were also provided with activity book and a program brochure. The reading material was provided to help in reinforcement and reiteration of the information given in the education session.